Used Cars, SUVs, Trucks for Sale in Thunder Bay

Pickup (30)
Sedan (3)
Automatic (33)

Our Price:$12,495

Price does not include taxes and licensing fees.

STK# I40261 / 115,200 km / 1.8L 4cyl
2016 Nissan Sentra 1.8 SV 3N1AB7AP4GL659489 I40261 in Thunder Bay

Our Price:$15,000

Price does not include taxes and licensing fees.

STK# I38781 / 168,201 km / 5.7L 8Cyl
2017 RAM 1500 SLT 1C6RR7GT5HS707737 I38781 in Thunder Bay

Our Price:$28,998

Price does not include taxes and licensing fees.

STK# 2311261 / 19,551 km / 1.6L 4cyl
2022 Kia K5 LX 5XXG24J20NG113937 2311261 in Thunder Bay

Our Price:$36,995

Price does not include taxes and licensing fees.

STK# U3404 / 94,702 km / 5.7L 8Cyl
2022 RAM 1500 Classic SLT 1C6RR7TT4NS173793 U3404 in Thunder Bay

Our Price:$36,995

Price does not include taxes and licensing fees.

STK# 2510131 / 107,969 km / 5.7L 8Cyl
2021 RAM 1500 Classic Tradesman 3C6RR7KT2MG614828 2510131 in Thunder Bay

Our Price:$36,998

Price does not include taxes and licensing fees.

STK# 2411871 / 127,903 km / 6.4L 8cyl
2017 RAM 2500 Power Wagon 3C6TR5EJ9HG632043 2411871 in Thunder Bay

Our Price:$39,995

Price does not include taxes and licensing fees.

STK# IU3914 / 44,326 km / 3.6L 6cyl
2021 Jeep Gladiator Overland 1C6HJTFG8ML619365 IU3914 in Thunder Bay

Our Price:$39,995

Price does not include taxes and licensing fees.

STK# IU3407R / 56,926 km / 5.7L 8Cyl
2022 RAM 1500 Classic SLT 1C6RR7TTXNS240607 IU3407R in Thunder Bay

Our Price:$39,995

Price does not include taxes and licensing fees.

STK# U4016R / 67,186 km / 5.7L 8Cyl
2022 RAM 1500 Classic SLT 3C6RR7LT7NG358413 U4016R in Thunder Bay

Our Price:$39,995

Price does not include taxes and licensing fees.

STK# 2410871 / 31,979 km / 3.8L 6cyl
2022 Nissan Frontier SV 1N6ED1FK4NN669257 2410871 in Thunder Bay

Our Price:$39,995

Price does not include taxes and licensing fees.

STK# IU4028R / 65,109 km / 3.6L 6cyl
2022 RAM 1500 Classic Tradesman 3C6RR7KG5NG258900 IU4028R in Thunder Bay

Our Price:$39,995

Price does not include taxes and licensing fees.

STK# IU4029R / 77,201 km / 5.7L 8Cyl
2022 RAM 1500 Classic Tradesman 3C6RR7KT0NG257831 IU4029R in Thunder Bay

Our Price:$40,495

Price does not include taxes and licensing fees.

STK# U4035R / 59,333 km / 5.7L 8Cyl
2022 RAM 1500 Classic SLT 1C6RR7LT2NS247440 U4035R in Thunder Bay

Our Price:$40,995

Price does not include taxes and licensing fees.

STK# 2411051 / 68,789 km / 5.7L 8Cyl
2021 RAM 1500 Classic SLT 1C6RR7LT1MS581439 2411051 in Thunder Bay

Our Price:$41,495

Price does not include taxes and licensing fees.

STK# IU4019R / 80,436 km / 3.6L 6cyl
2022 RAM 1500 Big Horn 1C6RRFFG1NN437799 IU4019R in Thunder Bay

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